
Bobbi Ebbing


Keeping Your Family Connected and in Sync

When describing your perfect lifestyle, the description would lack any inclusion of stress. While everyone wants to accomplish a lot, we are constantly constrained by the limited time we have and our busy schedules.

Here are a few simple ideas to save time, accomplish more, and be more connected as a family.


3 Tips for Sharing Responsibilities at Home

It’s no secret that sharing household responsibilities makes for a happier marriage and home. A study in 2007 showed that 62% of people who were married ranked sharing household chores as “very important” to them. When compared with historical data, that category had the highest percentage point increase, having gone up 15% from 47% where it was back in 1990. Additionally, sharing household responsibilities with kids is predictive of success later on in life as it imparts a sense of duty in other aspects of life.


How To Organize Your Home and De-Stress Your Life

A disorganized home not only increases stress levels, but clutter can also affect our anxiety levels, sleep, and ability to focus. Because our physical environment influences cognition, emotions, and behaviors, when our space is messy we become less productive which can trigger other damaging behaviors such as overeating and reduction in physical activity.


5 Fun Things To Do With Your Kids While Staying Home

There are many activities you can do with your family to help break up the monotony of being indoors, yet still adhere to the social distancing recommendations. Below we have listed 5 creative and fun ideas that you can try with your family today!


Save Time By Using an App to Get Organized

Getting organized is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do in your adult life. It’s hard enough when you’re single, but when you add a partner, some kids, and a few furry friends, everything gets that much worse!

However, getting – and staying – organized doesn’t have to be a headache. Here are five ways you can get your life in order right now.


Tips on Working from Home… with Your Family at Home

In recent years the concept of working from home has skyrocketed in popularity. Many companies now offer purely